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Chaves County Contractor Connects

Contractor Connects Logo

Our Disaster Case Management team and the State’s Regulation and Licensing Department host Contractor Connects to connect residents impacted by the October flooding event in Chaves with licensed contractors in an effort to help residents begin the rebuilding process and avoid contractor fraud.

This event is free, and open to the public. Residents do not need to register to attend this event.


We are no longer accepting contractor registration due to space limitations. 

Resources for Residents

Contractor Connects Goal Sheet

Use this Goal Sheet to identify your primary rebuilding and repair work that you need now or long-term. 

Contractor Connects Request for Proposal (RFP)

This form is for residents to fill out and give to the contractor you have connected with. Remember, one form per contractor!

Contractor Fraud Prevention Pamphlet

If you suspect contractor fraud, there are resources that can help.

Do you need support with your recovery from wildfires and floods?

State Disaster Case Managers are a single point of contact to help people affected by wildfires recover. Our services are free and put you and your needs first.

We can help you choose and apply for open local, state, and federal programs, for…
• Debris removal
• Home repair/reconstruction
• Well and septic testing/repair
• And more!

Call our Disaster Case Managers at 505-670-4662.